Thursday, April 27, 2006

Been animating!

Hiya People!!!

Haven't been posting much lately, I've been animating like a cow in grazing frenzy. It's a bit scary because it's me and one other person animating around 4 minutes of film in less than two months. Majority of the things being animated i've never done before, hence the time scare!

Still, If u wana see any of the work, hop over to my Animations blog to see what I've been up to.

Any criticism would be appreciated!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Hiya :D!

I'm obsessed with Porky Pig, Jimmy, and PTM!!! What can i say?? Theyre so Genius, I keep drawing them when i take breaks HeeeeeeeeHeeeeeeeeeHeeeeeeeee!!!!

Um, hope they do some justice to the real things...either way,
hope u enjoy:

lets start with Jimmy! Because WE LOOVES him :D:D:D:!!!

Dont ask.......

And now to Powdere Toast Man: WE LooooooOOOves HIm Tooo!!!!

ANd then theres Porky PIg: :D :D :D these are all such great character designs, i don't see how me ever getting bored of these. I also Love Mr. Horse, but haven't managed to draw him as nice and I'd like to so i can put him on here, but HeeeeelLL!!! Ill keep trying!!!!

This is me trying to color in with a mixture of marker and charcoal again. WHy I haven't given up with markers yet i dont know, becuase I'm terrible at it:

Then i did this Cell of Porky, as you can see I dont have enough different colors. Well.... honestly dorky, i didn't even have the flesh color of Mr Pig, i had to mix it up >..<

Byeeeeee See You Sooooonn!!!