Saturday, February 03, 2007


At the moment I'm working on a CG lipsync project to add onto my showreel to boost my opportunities in becoming a character animator.

Here is 1 of 2 characters, a guy named Steve. It will all make sense as I keep posting!
This is the transition from original sketch concepts to the final model:

I had a lot of fun drawing the face expressions that I thought this person should be doing. It's alien and a real thrill.

Then I made a SuperSculpey model to feel the shapes that I want to translate from drawing onto CG:

and drew topologies over the top till I found one I thought I could work with:

And here is the final product.
I'd like it more cartoony and chunky, but I tend to lean towards realism. Still, I'm quite happy to work with this for this animation:

I would like to take this opportunity to Thank Uli for letting me use his resources !!!


At 4:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Desiree!

I would texture the head as it would give the character more life and depth, as the head has plenty of character already, imagine if it was fully textured and fully rendered with some lighting, it would look awesome.

Maybe if you have time, make different poses/face expressions to express his personality, change lighting for each expression to change the mood/atmosphere.

anyway nice work!

At 10:50 pm, Blogger Cuthbowski said...

Desiree! Thanks for commenting on my blog, i had almost given up on blogs. The old man is from my weird head (it was for a xmas card i did believe it or not but he had a santa outfit on...)
I didn't realise you were so good at modelling btw. Hope you're doing good and r enjoying London. I am dying very slowly: selling my soul (and furniture) to middle aged women. Meow?


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