Prep Time
It's preparation time:
that means more inventing, creating and planning!
- As to the Drawing. I've taken a break
- As to the showreel, I'm preparing or in the process of coming up with new things my character could be doing. In the meanwhile, ie. Today, I've started animating his runcycle, becuase it doesn't require any inventing or creating, just planning (timing, poses). I don't wana waste any time ya see? I get bored with nothing to do....
- So I've come Up with some 2D stuff formyself to do. I usually do just rough animations, but I have an idea I really wanna finlise. It's still in the creating part, I'm trying to come up with cartoony designs that depict the ditsyness of a Sinai sheep without going all Looney. It's a challenge, esp since I'm not the greatest character designer around, so it'll take a while before that comes online.
- Ja, and then there's the group project. The pre production is about to wrap up and take off so the last week is more intense. Im actually an animator for the group, though have also been doing some concept/ mood boards/ organizing etc. It's good working in a group, we motivate eachother and I'm lucky to be working with some great artists and creators. They all oughta have BLOGS :D
ANyway, so to fill the mean time, here's some o'those mood boards. The stills were made by
Ben L. and Oli C. or either one or the other. Either way, they're both brilliant! I just colored em in:
See ya soon with a real post!